K.B. Blair, D.R. Custer, J.M. Graham, and M.H. Okal
Center for Sports Innovation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
K.B. Blair, D.R. Custer, J.M. Graham, and M.H. Okal
Center for Sports Innovation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Figure 1 Karabiner used in this study with parts labelled
Figure 2 Photograph of test fixture. The fixture meets ASTM specification F 1774
Figure 3 Load versus cycles to failure results for closed-gate and open-gate testing
Figure 4 Load/stroke plot for two cycles of a 20 kN loading test
Figure 5 Load/stroke plot for two cycles of a 8 kN loading test
Figure 6. Load/spine strain plot for one cycle of a 20 kN loading test
Figure 7. Load/spine strain plot for two cycles of a 8 kN loading test
Figure 8 Fracture surface photographs for (a) an 8 kN loading test, and (b) a 14 kN loading test. The karabiner cross-section is 1 cm ´ 0.8 cm. The crack initiates from the inside of the karabiner.
The crack surface is the light oval patch
Figure 9 Crack length measured from the fracture surface for each loading condition
Figure 10 Fracture location typical for all test cases