Tilda Publishing
Tilda Publishing
I write about climbing gear, rope techniques, and outdoor adventures. I write for both beginners and professionals. I write in both Russian and English. I write for myself, for the best Russian outdoor retailer – Sport-Marathon, and occasionally for others. Would be happy to write something non-trivial for You too.

How do I price my work? From 0.25 $/word or 2000 $/month net.

My works and articles can be found here.
A bit more about myself there.
Phone: +7 926 729-69-25, whatsapp, telegram
Email: bikulov.r.a@gmail.com


  • Mountaineering: high altitude, ski touring, base climbing.
  • Rock climbing: sport, trad, bouldering.
  • Ice climbing, mixed climbing, dry-tooling.
  • Caving.
  • Slack/trick/long/highlining.
  • Rope and bungee jumping.
  • Via ferrata, canyoning, ziplining, rope parks.
  • Rope access and tree climbing.
  • Rescue operations and evacuation.
  • Stunt rigging.
  • Yachting.
  • Trekking, camping, hammocking, snowshoeing, tour skating, and much more!

  • Equipment reviews, manuals, checklists, buying tips, and DIY.
  • Technique tutorials: ascent, descent, belay, anchors, mechanical advantage systems, knots, navigation, communication, etc.
  • Science: physics fundamentals, material properties, glossaries, research analysis, etc.
  • Accident reports and analysis.
  • Standards and certification.
  • Brand history and manufacturing technologies.
  • Guidance for gear inspection.
  • Guides for routes and areas.
  • Translation from Russian and Spanish.
  • Personal experience, stories, expeditions, and much more!


Author, writer, storyteller, wordsmith, creator, content maker, content manager, content marketer, copywriter, translator, consultant, guide.

Articles, reviews, stories, guides, materials, content, posts, media, SMM, SEO, freelance, remote job, and blah blah blah.


Author, writer, storyteller, wordsmith, creator, content maker, content manager, content marketer, copywriter, translator, consultant, guide.

Articles, reviews, stories, guides, materials, content, posts, media, SMM, SEO, freelance, remote job, and blah blah blah.

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